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From the Dog Basket of Invisidog....

Hi everyone, Colin here.

This is where I get a chance to answer all of your letters and emails. I was going to call it 'Agony Dog' but that would make you think I was in pain...which I'm not (well only when I get my nose trapped in the cupboard door when I'm snaffling biscuits). But you didn't hear that from me did you!

You can always email me by clicking here...

letter of the month.....

Dear Colin,
Pardon me for asking but if you are supposed to be a secret agent why aren't you keeping it a secret?
Lots of love S Rimmington. London.

Dear S,
That's a very good question. Well, apart from you and me the only other people who know are Stella and Gerald, and you're not going to tell anyone are you. So that's OK....um...isn't it?
Love Colin xxx.

Your correspondence....

I get lots of mail so first of all thanks to everyone who takes the time to write to me. I'm really flattered. But, if you are an arms dealer please don't waste your time bombarding me with glossy magazines and invites to Champagne receptions. I work exclusively for Her Majesty's government and any gizmos I require will be requisitioned for me by the MOD at my local Co-Op. Thank you.

Also, to answer brazenhuzzey@aol.com 'Yes I have a girlfriend' and don't want to see a video you made especially for me. Mr Bond has his 'Bond Girls', I have my very own 'Invisidog Girl' her name is Stella.

'Til next time,
signing off now love Colin xxx